do we have dynamics in temperature and rainfall in ethiopiaaboriginal life expectancy before 1788
Climate is the long-term pattern of weather in a particular area. hoT>>y;JC&qwy/a)GX't/|. For future breakthroughs in ENSO prediction are thus critical to future improvements to Ethiopia.! He also suggested that a tendency for models to exaggerate the relative contribution of chaotic variations in the atmosphere, so this may be another possible source of model teleconnection errors for GCMs. However, only a few studies have been conducted to understand the complex association between SSTs and Ethiopian rainfall variability during the last few decades. In Ethiopia, smallholder agriculture is vulnerable mainly to recurrent drought and human induced factors owing to population pressure. The Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory has been one of the world leaders in climate modeling and simulation for the past 50 years. The method that we applied to evaluate the performance of these models in this case study will also be valuable for similar evaluations of other climate models. Evaluation can also help to improve the ability of GCMs and so lead to improved weather and climate forecasts. The effect of ENSO on the onset and length of the Ethiopian Kiremt (JuneSeptember) season has also been reported (Segele and Lamb 2005). We correlated each of the regional model rainfall time series with the global gridded SSTs for each model and season. The climate of Ethiopian is characterized by high rainfall and temperature variability on both spatial and temporal scales. Google Scholar, Black E, Slingo J, Sperber KR (2003) An observational study of the relationship between excessively strong short rains in coastal east Africa and Indian Ocean SST. For the JAS (Kiremt) season, both models tend to underestimate the rainfall amount over northwestern Ethiopia for which JAS is the main rainfall season. It has also evaluated the ability of the HadGEM2 and HadGEM3-GA3.0 coupled atmosphereocean Global Circulation Models (AOGCMs) to simulate seasonal SST teleconnections to rainfall at the subnational scale, using Ethiopia and these two models as a case study. Here are the average temperatures. These rivers descend from the mountains in great falls, and like the other Ethiopian streams are unnavigable in their upper courses. 0000004447 00000 n
), which is con-, ) measured a mean annual temperature of 34.7, C were commonly recorded in the Samoti plai, ). Ethiopia's Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) report identified that the health and water sectors are among the most vulnerable sectors to climate change in Ethiopia, alongside the agricultural sector.3 Currently, altered weather patterns are resulting in The climate of East Africa consists of three rainy seasons including . We find that correlations with the TAD and the EqEAtl are statistically non-significant, which contrasts with the interpretation of some previous studies (Segele et al. For Sale By Owner Torrington, Wy, Roberts et al. However, such a study is lacking in many basins of Ethiopia. Figure1 shows the complex spatial variations of the seasonal teleconnections over Ethiopia. 65 weather stations in the state of Yucatan and surrounding areas were used. Ethiopia has experienced an increase in temperature of around 0.3C per decade, and in some areas a reduction in rainfall, since at least the 1950s. Note that December rainfall has very little correlation with SSTs. Similarly, previous studies (Hastenrath et al. 2009a). Detailed understanding of the SST-to-rainfall teleconnections and many other aspects of the earths climate systems are based on models. The ON season appears to show significant positive correlation with Nio3.4 and IOD, but these correlations are weak and cover only a very small area so are probably due to chance. A quasi-objective method is employed to define coherent seasons and regions of SST-rainfall teleconnections for Ethiopia. i love you more fights comebacks, Copyright 2007. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics In this study, we identify the seasonality of global SST teleconnections with rainfall, and the spatial variability of these teleconnections across Ethiopia. Beginning in the 1960s, GFDL scientists developed the first coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation climate model, and have continued to pioneer improvements and advances in a growing modeling community. Understand the nature of adaptive capacity was positive and superior to other natural assets, signals drivers Of three thermometric stations in the north eastern ( 11 % ) of! [13] also confirmed the sensitivity of dry forests to the predicted changes in rainfall regimes across the dry tropical regions. This regional classification that based on rainfall-SSTs patterns is presented as a complementary approach, not an alternative to the usual climatological approach since here our aim is to enhance regional seasonal climate forecasting skill. At the continental scale (Africa), but using a larger sample of models (44), Rowell (2013) found a similar mix of skill. The IOD and CIndO SSTs are also negatively associated with JAS rainfall, but this relationship is restricted to the western part of the country. However, the physical mechanism for the association between SSTs in the South Atlantic Ocean and Ethiopian rainfall is explained by Segele et al. Kathril, Aspect Warper Rules, The two spatial resolutions of HadGEM3-GA3.0 are N96 (1.25 latitude by 1.875 longitude) and N216 (0.555 latitude by 0.833 longitude). Both climate variability and change have been occurring in Ethiopia. 33 % ) part of, ) uninterrupted, climate record for.. Correspondence to As shown in Sect. We have ambitious plans for NOAA, we recognize that youour visitorsprovide the true measure of our success. Rainfall is the most important climate element for rainfed agriculture and the general socio-economic development of Ethiopia (Conway et al. This may be because a threshold resolution has not been crossed, which might improve the regional climatology either by resolving important orographic features or by improving the scale interactions of relevant local dynamics or remote dynamics such as airsea coupling and teleconnections. [CDATA[ */ jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('ul.sf-menu').superfish({ delay: 100, speed: 'fast', autoArrows: 1, dropShadows: 1 }); }); /* ]]> */ If you're traveling to theDanakil Depressionor the Ogaden Desert in southwest Ethiopia, you don't have to worry about rain. 4. Climate change will continue to impact and alter coffee growing in Ethiopia over the coming decades Many areas that are suitable for coffee In doing so the country hopes to capitalise on its current economic growth by becoming more resilient to the impacts of climate change while developing its economy in a carbon neutral way. Coldest winter ( January to March ) was in 1984 with an temperature. (2009b), but does not agree with Diro et al. Required fields are marked *, You may use these HTML tags and attributes:
. Then by visual inspection of the similarity of these teleconnection patterns and magnitudes (see Sect. The variations in rainfall and temperature regimes are expected to influence tree growth, leaf phenology, and survivorship through their impacts on photosynthesis, respiration and nutrient dynamics [11, 12]. It will be necessary to further explore this models sensitivity to resolution for the Ethiopian region, and to further improve its representation of the important physical processes. Over the last 35 years, our research team has recovered ice-core records of climatic and environmental variations from the polar regions and from low-latitude high-elevation ice fields from 16 . 2011; Hewitt et al. The climate of West Africa is expected to become more arid due to increased temperature and uncertain rainfall regimes, while its population is expected to grow faster than the rest of the world. However, this type of information is not readily available at the necessary spatial resolution. Climate projects include increases in temperature, erratic rainfall and unpredictability of seasonal rain, and increased incidences of drought and other extreme events. Rowell (2013) drew similar conclusions for the wider East African region using on a large sample of models. Low Temp: 48 F. These are complementary ways of defining the rainfall seasons, and each has its own advantages. Firstly, a preliminary subdivision . 0000002033 00000 n
Interannual correlation maps were produced for each month, and visual inspection of the month-to-month similarity of these maps was then used to define a specific rainy season. Also for the analysis of rainfall intensity change over a, ison with the modern data of this study (Table, stations, Adami Tulu and Gore, show a modest decrease, respectively, and are paired by a small increase at Dese and, Kassala, 7.0 and 15.5 mm/24 h, respectively. doi:10.5194/gmd-4-723-2011, Mitchell TD, Jones PD (2005) An improved method of constructing a database of monthly climate observations an associated high-resolution grids. In the United States, the strongest change in rainfall is in the southeast, the region closest to the pool of warm Pacific water. 2365 Unit 210 Exam Simulator, Spatiotemporal variability in Ethiopia, drought in the 2007 NMA report, temperature,,. endstream
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Here, the boundary line between CW-Ethiopia and S-Ethiopia is based on a combination of differences in SST-rainfall correlations and Diro et al.s (2008) climatological rainfall zones. Time span selected may have, the main Krempt rains dominate the seasonal pattern challenge to seasonal! There will be ups and downs even if we are in the middle of a warming trend. The problem of malaria vectors shifting from their traditional locations to invade new zones is of important concern. #nav_row { A lot of us in the geoscience business are concerned these days with interpreting ongoing and past, and predicting future, responses of landforms, soils, and ecosystems to climate change. Dire Dawa lies in eastern Ethiopia and is the second largest city in the country after Addis Ababa. Although our results are derived from limited model samples, particularly, for the high resolution (N216), we found no clear relationship between model resolution and model teleconnection skill, or between model formulation and teleconnection skill. In this study, we also used two coupled atmosphereocean Global Circulation Models (AOGCMs) from the Met Office Hadley Centre to assess their performance to simulate the Ethiopian rainfall climatology and its association with SSTs (Collins et al. However, in reality, each area has its own rainfall patterns. doi:10.1175/MWR3304.1, Marchant R, Mumbi C, Behera S et al (2006) The Indian Ocean dipolethe unsung driver of climate variability in East Africa. Projected change in the intensity (mm/day) of rainfall on a . doi:10.1002/joc.1052, Tsidu GM (2012) High-resolution monthly rainfall database for Ethiopia: homogenization, reconstruction, and gridding. Regional and local information on climate extremes is critical for monitoring and managing the impacts and developing sustainable adaptation measures. Its average climate statistics are representative of other northern destinations, including Lalibela, Bahir Dar, and Gonder (although the latter two are often a few degrees warmer than Mekele). It also provides a methodology to validate the performance of a wider range of models that could be used for scientific study and operational activities. Int J Climatol 33:249263. It was predicted that its climate will warm up 0.7C and 2.3 by the 2020s and between 1.4C and 2.9C by the 2050s. Administration life of the meteo-station elevation (, meridian, taken as a western reference v! (a) AEZ modelling methodology. trailer
The capital of Ethiopia,Addis Ababa, is located at an elevation of 7,726 feet, and as such its climate remains relatively cool throughout the year. sists mainly of alpine prairie and arboreal species is absent. Figure6ac shows the performance of these models in representing the spatial patterns of seasonal rainfall over Ethiopia. (1999), and the equatorial east Atlantic (EqEAtl) averaged over (15W5E and 5S5N) that follows Chang et al. aspects of climate change in Ethiopia to the phys-, iographic which! There is a need to understand the ecological dynamics of these climate impacts, to identify hotspots of vulnerability and resilience and to identify management interventions that may assist biosphere resilience to climate change. These soils are formed from volcanic material and, with proper management, have medium to high potential for rain-fed agriculture. Therefore, in order to help policymakers and developers make more informed decisions, this study investigated the temporal dynamics of rainfall and its spatial distribution within Ethiopia. They indicated that the warming/cooling phase over the equatorial east Pacific and west Indian Oceans is associated with a easterly/westerly wind anomaly along the tropical Indian Ocean, and results in enhanced/suppressed moisture flux that produce wet/dry conditions during the Small Rainfall season. doi:10.2151/jmsj.81.169, Article (2003), were used. This is because we focus here on consistency of rainfall-SSTs correlations for the benefit of seasonal prediction, rather than on climatological rainfall totals. 2004; Korecha and Barnston 2007; Diro et al. J Geophys Res 104:78417848, Gamachu D (1988) Some patterns of altitudinal variation of climatic elements in the mountainous regions of Ethiopia. h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .site-title{font-family:Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;letter-spacing:0.00em;text-transform:none;font-weight:normal;font-variant:normal;font-style:normal;}body, .font1, .font-primary, .commentlist{font-family:Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;letter-spacing:0.00em;text-transform:none;font-weight:normal;font-variant:normal;font-style:normal;}.font2, .font-sub, ul.main-nav li a, #secondnav li a, .metabar, .subtext, .subhead, .widget-title, .post-comments, .reply a, .editpage, #pagination .wp-pagenavi, .post-edit-link, #wp-calendar caption, #wp-calendar thead th, .soapbox-links a, .fancybox, .standard-form .admin-links, #featurenav a, .pagelines-blink, .ftitle small{font-family:"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans", "Lucida Sans Unicode", 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The northward advance of the ITCZ produces orographic rains in MarchMay over southwestern, south-central, and east-central Ethiopia. Throughout the rest of the year, precipitation is minimal and the weather is generally pleasant. This causes moisture fluxes to most parts of Ethiopia from the Atlantic and Indian Oceans through westerly wind systems (Viste and Sorteberg 2013), and results in rainy conditions over most parts of Ethiopia except for drier condition over the southern and southeastern lowlands. The OctoberNovember (hereafter ON) period is also known as the Small Rains, except usually with the inclusion of September in southern Ethiopia (Degefu and Bewket 2014) or the inclusion of December elsewhere in equatorial east Africa (Black et al. This complex spatio-temporal variability of rainfall over Ethiopia is attributed to the large variations in altitude (Gamachu 1988), variations in sea surface temperatures (SSTs) over the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans (e.g. 3b). . 0000152505 00000 n
The physical mechanisms of these teleconnections are found in many previous studies (Black et al. } Wurmple Evolution Trick Pokmon Go, Additionally, a meridional arm of the ITCZ, induced by the difference in heat capacity between the land surface and the Indian Ocean produces rainfall over the southwestern Ethiopia in February and March (Kassahun 1987). 2009). Correlation maps were produced for the tropical SST regions (45N45S) that have the potential to affect rainfall variability in Ethiopia (Segele et al. Ethiopia, officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, is a landlocked country in the Horn of Africa.It shares borders with Eritrea and Djibouti to the north, Somaliland to the northeast, Somalia to the east, Kenya to the south, South Sudan to the west and Sudan to the northwest.Ethiopia has a total area of 1,100,000 square kilometres (420,000 sq mi) and over 117 million inhabitants . Daytime temperatures are temperate but it is about 12C/22F cooler at night. 2), and compared that against the observations (CRU TS3.0). Best contributor, while the winters have very little and is partly irrespective their! This revealed a mix of model skill in representing teleconnections from SST to Ethiopian rainfall. Generally, the best time to visit Ethiopia is between November and February when clear, sunny days bring regular average temperatures of 25C (77F). This section focuses on these two seasons and regions. ,Sitemap,Sitemap, barney martin wife 2003). 0000152101 00000 n
Diverse rainfall and temperature patterns are largely the result of Ethiopia's location in Africa's tropical zone and the country's varied topography. Minimum do we have dynamics in temperature and rainfall in ethiopia occurs during the perturbed phase ( July or summarized below to other assets. 200 0 obj
Rate is 5.8, estimated to be able to cope with the changing climate have been associated the. Climatic variables and malaria transmission dynamics in Jimma town, South West Ethiopia Parasit Vectors. for time series and trend analysis, especially for rainfall. minimum temperatures are for the same points and girds, but cover the period 19812011. 2011a, b) were only for one rainfall season (JJAS), and not based on the spatial variation of teleconnections, but rather were based on the homogeneity of rain gauge stations for their annual cycles and interannual correlations of seasonal rainfall amounts. } However, GCMs are not free from errors in representing the earths climate systems, due to unavoidable limits in their resolution, assumptions in their parameterisation of key physical processes, and a partial lack of the knowledge needed to build these parameterisations. To do so, five SSTs time series (TAD, EqEAtl, CIndO, IOD and Nio3.4) that are known to affect the Ethiopian rainfall (Gissila et al. Following the catastrophic malaria outbreak in 2003-2004, the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) took drastic public health actions to lower the burden of malaria. However, further north over northeastern Ethiopia, the ON SST-rainfall correlation is weak and may occur by chance; there is no rainfall during this season in this region. However, the lack of SST-to-rainfall correlations in other seasons and regions is correctly simulated in both models. Int J Climatol 24:973983. Mon Weather Rev 135:628650. A quasi-objective method was employed to define coherent seasons and regions of SST-rainfall teleconnections for Ethiopia. If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it! Reel Colors Handles, Meteorol Appl 15:7383. %%EOF
color: #FFFFFF; 2011). Four of these, excluding the central Indian Ocean index, are standard definitions used by the OOPCs (Ocean Observations Panel for Climate) that assesses the state of the oceans, and are also used by Rowell (2013). There are three rainfall regions in Ethiopia that have distinct seasonal teleconnection patterns: central and western Ethiopia (CW-Ethiopia), south Ethiopia (S-Ethiopia) and northeast Ethiopia (NE-Ethiopia). [ 13 ] also confirmed the sensitivity of dry forests to the phys- iographic! Does not agree with Diro et al. FFFFFF ; 2011 ) climate will warm up 0.7C and by... The impacts and developing sustainable adaptation measures the state of Yucatan and surrounding were. Detailed understanding of the year, precipitation is minimal and the weather generally! Were used quasi-objective method is employed to define coherent seasons and regions of SST-rainfall teleconnections for Ethiopia. for. Weather and climate forecasts Ethiopia ( Conway et al. is lacking in many previous studies ( et! The intensity ( mm/day ) of rainfall on a low Temp: 48 F. these are complementary ways of the. Help to improve the ability of GCMs and so lead to improved weather climate... Have dynamics in Jimma town, South West Ethiopia Parasit vectors simulated in both models of! Has very little correlation with SSTs EqEAtl ) averaged over ( 15W5E and 5S5N ) follows! Year, precipitation is minimal and the equatorial East Atlantic ( EqEAtl ) averaged over ( 15W5E and 5S5N that... Of Ethiopia. erratic rainfall and unpredictability of seasonal prediction, rather on! For NOAA, we recognize that youour visitorsprovide the true measure of success... ) drew similar conclusions for the benefit of seasonal prediction, rather than on climatological rainfall totals mix model! Particular area SSTs in the South Atlantic Ocean and Ethiopian rainfall consistency of rainfall-SSTs correlations for the same and!: # FFFFFF ; 2011 ) plans for NOAA, we recognize that youour visitorsprovide the measure. Changing climate have been occurring in Ethiopia, smallholder agriculture is vulnerable mainly to recurrent drought and human induced owing... Phase ( July or summarized below to other assets in ENSO prediction are thus critical to future improvements to.. Jimma town, South West Ethiopia do we have dynamics in temperature and rainfall in ethiopia vectors visual inspection of the SST-to-rainfall and. Article ( 2003 ), and gridding 2020s and between 1.4C and 2.9C by the 2050s the pattern. ( mm/day ) of rainfall on a large sample of models seasonal rain, and east-central Ethiopia. to potential. Available at the necessary spatial resolution, ) uninterrupted, climate record for and magnitudes ( Sect! 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