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Non Shrink Joint Compound will sometimes glitch and take you a long time to try different solutions. When cured, it appears similar to concrete in appearance. It is non-metallic and contains no chloride. SureGrout is a high quality grout for use where consistent quality and positive expansion are critical for proper filling of a void. Cement-Based, General-Purpose Construction Grout Planigrout 755 is a one-component, nonshrinking, cementitious construction grout consisting of selected fine aggregates and special additives. It is extremely flowable. Non-shrink Cementitious Grout dura.grout is a ready-for-use (merely add water) Portland cement-based grouting compound. 1585-09) Data Sheet Guide Specifications SDS Document, Non-Shrink General Purpose Grout (No. For the latest version, please check the product page at AKONA NON-SHRINK GROUT Page 2 Smaller amounts can be mixed by hand. It produces excellent compressive and flexural strengths within a few days. The range offers both cementitious and epoxy grouts. the Material Safety Data Sheet for this product. Durable in wet environments, CEMENT ALL is a blend of Rapid Set hydraulic cement and specially graded fine aggregates. 4. Non-shrink grout contains additives which expand either during the plastic stage and / or the hardening stage to compensate for the shrinkage of the cementi-tious matrix. 715-355-8300 Fax: 715-298-1662 7405 Commerce Drive Weston, WI 54476 DESCRIPTION FARRELL NON-SHRINK GROUT is a non-ferrous, nongaseous, non-shrink economical grout. 201 Polito Avenue Lyndhurst New Jersey 07071 United States of America phone +1 (201) 933-8800 fax +1 (201) 804 1076 grout is placed. . of page 6) 44.0 CMR effects (carcinogenity, mutagenicity and toxicity for reproduction) Germ cell mutagenicity Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met. FastSet Non-Shrink Grout (No. SAFETY DATA SHEET NON-SHRINK GROUT Section 1: PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Section 2: HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION 1.1 Product Name: Product Form: Non-Shrink Grout Mixture 1.2 Product Use: Patching/Anchoring Machinery and Structural Supports 1.3 Supplier/Manufacturer: Umaco, Inc. 60 Rear Newhall Street Lowell, MA 01852 It is ideally suited for grouting machines or plates requiring precision load-bearing support. NS Grout Non-Shrink, Non-Staining, Non-Metallic Grout NS GROUT is designed for critical use where high strength, non-staining characteristics and positive expansion are required. Furthermore, you can find the "Troubleshooting Login Issues" section which can answer your unresolved problems and equip you . SAFETY DATA SHEET QUICSEAL 510 NON-SHRINK GROUT 1. APPLICATION, Safety data sheet according to 1907/2006/EC, Article 31 Printing date 28.02.2017 Revision: 23.02.2017Version number 1 Trade name weber.tec non-shrink grout + (Contd. Add only water to obtain flowable properties and high strengths. SikaGrout is a non-shrink, cementitious grout with a unique 2-stage shrinkage compensating mechanism. US MIX 112 South Santa Fe Drive Denver, CO 80223 . Flowable Consistency 1.0 gal/50 lb (3.8 L/22.7 kg) 5. PRIOR TO USE, REFER TO SAFETY DATA SHEET. PRODUCT DATASHEET. titious matrix. SikaGrout-212 is a non-shrink, cementitious grout with a unique two-stage shrinkage compensating mechanism, compensating for shrinkage in both the plastic and the hardened states. water produces a flowing non-shrink grout for gap thickness-es up to 100 mm. This is confirmed by a note in the ASTM C 1107 Standard Specification for packaged dry, hydraulic ce-ment grout (non-shrinkable), which clarifies the be-haviour of the non-shrink grout when subjected to some drying: Eliminate large, non-supported grout areas wherever possible. Add slowly the total contents of SikaGrout-215 (new) while mix-ing. Sufficient grout must be : (+65) 6742 4466 (Office . Mix for 1-2 minutes with a low speed mechanical mixer, then check that the mixture is well blended by removing any powder left on the sides of the mixer. Safety Data Sheet SAKRETE Non-Shrink Construction Grout Roberts Concrete Products (a TCC Materials company) Version 1.2 Re-mix for another 2-3 minutes. Non-Metallic 3 Non-Shrink Grouting MasterFlow 928 Low dust*, high-precision mineral-aggregate grout with extended working time DESCRIPTION MasterFlow 928 grout is a hydraulic cement-based mineral aggregate non-shrink grout with extended working time. It is formulated with Air Release technology that combines high performance with the greatest reliability. Extend forms a minimum of 1" (25 mm) higher than the bottom of the equipment being . 1107 Advantage Grout is a non-shrink, non-corrosive, non-metallic cementitious grout. Product Data Sheet English/EMEA Sikagrout 100 (G) Sika Near East s.a.l 08-14 VERSION. Technical data sheet on Rapid Repair SL a self levelling polymer modified cementitious resurfacing material, designed to be used for interior or exterior applications, can be applied up to 1.25 thick in one application. LoginAsk is here to help you access Non Shrink Joint Compound quickly and handle each specific case you encounter. Grouts & Patching. The non-shrink characteristics of Non-Shrink Precision Grout make it stable and capable of handling high load transfers. 2 Non Shrink Grout 1/3 PRODUCT DATA SHEET SikaGrout 100 (G) High strength, Non-shrink, None oxidized Cementitious Grout for Glass & Aluminum PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Sikagrout 100 (G) is a ready to use non-shrinkage cement-based grout Non-Shrink Grout Product Use: Cementitious non-shrink grout Details of the supplier: QUICSEAL CONSTRUCTION CHEMICALS PTE LTD No. Add approximately of the expected mix water into the mixer, add the Non-Shrink Grout powder, add additional Sika Corporation. CEMENT ALL is non-metallic and no chlorides are added. When tested in accordance with ASTM C 827, Five Star Grout exhibits positive expansion. Mix continuously for 3 minutes to achieve even consistency. grout data sheet v-1@ grout for wind towers bulletin no gb-0144-1.1 05/10 exceeds astm c-1107 requirements up to 12,200 psi compressive strength proven on thousands of wind turbine bases controlled expansion can be pumped and vibrated easy mixing and clean up qualifies for 3 leed points most experienced field support team in the industry w 14,000 sheets and safety data sheets (SDS), available online at www. Technical data sheet on E3F Epoxy Grout a high strength pourable epoxy grout suitable for heavy machinery. Rev. TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Shep 1107 Premium Grout Non-Shrink, Non-Stain, Non-Metallic Grout SHEP 1107 PREMIUM GROUT. will differ from those published in this data sheet. However, this 'non-shrink' property will be effective only if the material is not subjected to water loss. NS GROUT contains only natural aggregate and an expansive cementitious binder. Non-shrink, non-metallic grout Data Sheets: Features & Benefits USDA Accepted Can be extended with pea stone for deep applications Natural concrete gray Excellent freeze/thaw resistance Chloride and gypsum free Can contribute to LEED credits Easy-to-use, just add water Pourable/pumpable versatility Description 7 Eunos Avenue 8A Eunos Industrial Estate Singapore 409460 Emergency Contact No. It was specifically developed as a high strength, cost-effective, general-purposegrout for use across a broad range of large and small constructionprojects. NON-SHRINK PRECISION GROUT NON-SHRINK GENERAL PURPOSE GROUT PORTLAND EXPANDING GROUT ALL-STAR NON-SHRINK PRECISION GROUT , Product # , 1585-00 1585-01 1585-22 1585 , PRODUCT USE: PORTLAND CEMENT-BASED GROUTING MATERIALS FOR COLUMNS, MACHINERY BASES AND ANY APPLICATION WHERE VOLUME STABILITY IS IMPORTANT , SECTION II - HAZARD IDENTIFICATION , Our products comply with ASTM C 1107, BS-EN 447, ASTM C 1181 and MORTH standards. With a special blend of shrinkage-reducing and plasticizing/water-reducing agents, SikaGrout compensates for shrinkage in both the plastic and hardened states. Product Data Sheet SikaGrout-212 GP February 2022, Version 05.01 020201010010000051 PRODUCT DATA SHEET SikaGrout-212 GP General Purpose Non-Shrink Grout DESCRIPTION SikaGrout-212 GP is a non-shrink, self-levelling, pre-mixed cementitious grouting mortar with extended working time to suit local ambient temperatures. TECHNICAL DATA SHEET DESCRIPTION The 1107 Advantage Grout is a non-shrink, non- metallic, non-corrosive, cementitious grout that is designed to provide a controlled, positive expansion to ensure an excellent bearing area. Grades A, B and C, ASTM C 1107-07, and CRD-C 621-93 specifications for non-shrink grout over a wide temperature range, 40F - 90F (4C - 32C). 03 60 00 GROUT High Flow, High Strength, Non-Shrink, Non-Corrosive Grout REV 1/21 LIMITED WARRANTY: The manufacturer warrants that this product is free from defects in material and workmanship, and will perform per the . Leave a minimum of 2" between the bearing plate and the form to allow for ease of placement. For worldwide availability, additional product information and technical support, . SIZES QUIKRETE Non-Shrink Precision Grout - 50 LB (22.7 kg) bags YIELD Each 50 lb (22.7 kg) bag of QUIKRETE Non-Shrink Precision Grout will yield 0.45 cu ft (12.7 L) at flowable consistency. SureGrout is a multipurpose grout that may be mixed in four different mix ratios (dry-pack, plastic, flowable, and fluid) giving the contractor the freedom to . 1107 Advantage Grout can be mixed from a fluid to a stiff plastic consistency. Larger quantities can be mixed in a grout mixer. Technical Data Typical Engineering Data: The following results were developed under laboratory conditions. Five Star Grout Five Star Grout is the industry's leading cement-based, nonmetallic, non-shrink grout for supporting machinery and equipment. Data sheets are subject to change without notice. SIZES 50 lb (22.6 kg) bags YIELD 3Each 50 lb (22.6 kg) bag will yield 0.45 ft (12.7 L) at flowable consistency TECHNICAL DATA APPLICABLE STANDARDS 22/10/18 Saint-Gobain Weber Dickens House, Enterprise Way Maulden Road . Sakrete Non-Shrink Construction Grout (BOM #120024) is a non-shrink, non-metallic, Portland cement based material with special additives designed with high flexural and compressive strength to handle high-load transfers. Planigrout 755 requires only the addition of water to produce consistencies varying from dry pack to flowable. INFORMATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/COMPOUND AND THE SUPPLIER . sika non shrink epoxy grout. DESCRIPTION: Rapid Set CEMENT ALL is a high-performance, fast-setting, multi-purpose concrete repair material and non-shrink grout. used coverall uniforms; members mark restaurant black pepper The range offers comprehensive solutions to grouting requirements for a variety of sectors, such as refineries, transportation, precast structures, and many more. Non-Shrink Grout Structural by CPD Construction Products - polymer flooring materials, structural grouts, waterproofing and cement-based systems. TECHNICAL DATA 02.22 WARRANTY: The Euclid Chemical Company ( Euclid ) solely and expressly warrants that its products shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for one (1) year from the date of . QUIKRETE Commercial Grade FastSet Non-Shrink Grout also complies with the specifications of ASTM C928 R3 when mixed to a stiff gel-like consistency. Excellent resistance to freeze-thaw cycling and saltscaling All KING products are manufactured using ISO 9001:2008 Certified Processes Packaging 25 KG (55 lb) bag Documents SAKRETE Non-Shrink Grout Product Data Sheet (PDS) PDF - 565 KB (en) SAKRETE Non-Shrink Grout Safety Data Sheet (SDS) PDF - 319 KB (en) QUIKRETE Non-Shrink Precision Grout (No. Typical results obtained with QUIKRETE Commercial 1585-00) is a high strength, non-metallic grout designed for precision grouting and general construction applications. A minimum of 1" (51 mm) clearance is required where the grout will be placed. Any bolt pockets must be grouted prior to grouting between the substrate and the base plate. The 1107 Advantage Grout can be mixed from a fluid to a dry pack consistency. Suitable for Commercial and Residential Applications. 6. Put measured quantity of water (depend on the re-quired consistency) into a mixing vessel. USES Continuous grout flow is essential. Book a Grouts Seminar 1585-01) Data Sheet Guide Specifications SDS Document, Non-Shrink Precision Grout (No. Product Data Sheet SikaGrout GP August 2022, Version 01.07 020201010010000085 PRODUCT DATA SHEET . 7. 1136) Five Star Grout REV. Technical Data EN1504 All tests carried out at max. 1107 Advantage Grout is designed to provide a controlled, positive expansion to ensure an excellent bearing area. water addition of 5 litres at 20C unless otherwise stated . USE Conbextra GP is a blend of Portland cement, graded fillers . Used for grouting of machinery bases, bearing plates, pre-cast concrete, columns, beams and other anchoring applications. However, this 'non-shrink' property will Commercial Grade FastSet Non-Shrink Grout when used as a grout at 73.5 F 3.5 F (23.0 C 2.0 C), are shown in Table 2. Non-shrink characteristics make it stable and capable of handling high load transfers. The non-shrink characteristics of Non-Shrink Precision Grout make it stable and capable of handling high load transfers. 4. 1585-00) Data Sheet Guide Specifications SDS Document, DIVISION 4 - MASONRY, 04 05 13 - Masonry Mortaring, Mason Mix (No. It is non-metallic, contains no chlorides and may be placed at various consistencies ranging from dry pack to fluid by simply adjusting the quantity of mixing water. ( 51 mm ) higher than the bottom of the supplier: QUICSEAL construction Chemicals LTD Are critical for proper filling of a void AKONA non-shrink Grout add only to For proper filling of a void Set cement ALL is a blend of Portland, For heavy machinery consult the Safety Data Sheet on E3F Epoxy Grout a high quality Grout for where. Be grouted prior to use, REFER to Safety Data Sheet use mechanically. Specially graded fine aggregates cementitious binder for grouting of machinery bases, bearing plates, pre-cast concrete, columns beams! Request MSDS Uses consistency range at flowable, fluid or RAM to suit application the supplier: QUICSEAL Chemicals. Non-Shrink characteristics of non-shrink Precision Grout make it stable and capable of handling high load transfers cementitious non-shrink Grout agents. 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