Freya was the Goddess beauty, death, war, and love in the Norse mythology. Anextiomarus. "Celtic Mythology: The Nature and Influence of Celtic Myth from Druidism to Arthurian Legend." Morrigan - Goddess of war and death. Also Annwfn . Aine is arguably one of the best-known traditional Irish girls name and, interestingly enough, it stems from Irish mythology and a very powerful Goddess. Rutherford, Ward. The name means wisdom, knowledge, wealth, abundance, and teacher. Amalthea - a nymph who nursed the infant Zeus. Little fire. She features in poems by J.M.Synge, and W.B.Yeats amongst others. Deirdre is the tragic heroine of Irish mythology. If you're welcoming a new four-legged member into your home, why not give your dog the luck of the Irish and opt for an Irish-inspired name? Scarlett. Most of the names of the female Druids stay forgotten. Dana is one of Irish Mythology's greatest goddesses and was the female leader of the Tuatha De Danann. He was a legendary warrior in the Irish mythology. 3. The classic Irish girls' name Nora is also a top name in countries as disparate as . Dearg-due, an Irish name meaning "red bloodsucker," is a female demon that seduces men and then drains them of their blood. Female Irish Names Beginning with O. Orlaith; Orlaith, rfhlaith, rla, Orlagh. You could end up falling into a rabbit hole of endless Celtic names for girls without finding the right one! "The Encyclopedia of Celtic Mythology and Folklore." New York: Facts on File, 2004. The name Fedelma was recorded in ancient texts, as a woman in the court of Queen Medb of Connacht, who was a "banfili". Irish Dog Names: Stats. Here are 101 Irish dog names to get you inspired. It is derived from the old Gaelic name Derdriu which means a female in Celtic. A maiden who refused to marry men, meaning secure and immovable. Eimear: An Irish legendary name, Eimear who was the better half of Cuchulainn, a . One of the most well known figures of Irish mythology is the banshee, a female . It's entirely possible that a Celtic Goddess, Laha, came as an inspiration from the Norse Goddess Laga. Meaning: Orlaith is an Irish name that means "golden princess". Alectrona - Greek goddess of the sun. Cute Irish Dog Names. In Greek mythology, the name of Ares's daughter, meaning mighty. 35. She held the powers of healing. 545 Irish Baby Girl Names With Meanings. The Washing women is the type of Banshee who haunts the lonely streams of Scotland and Ireland. This familiar Irish name is pronounced KEE-ron and is a diminutive of Ciar, meaning "black." Ciarn the Elder and Ciarn the Younger were sixth-century Irish saints. The name translates to victory. Aine - Irish/Celtic an early Celtic goddess of summer. As an Irish girls' name, Fona derives from the word fon, meaning "wine." 7. Desmond. You know, for couch potato dogs who just enjoy cuddling up and relaxing to the max. In Arthurian legend, the mighty, all-powerful sword Excalibur was said to have been forged on the island of Avalon, giving the name a magical . Variants: Boannan, Boyne. Duchess. Aine Aine means "radiance", and is the name of the Irish Celtic goddess of love, fertility, wealth, summer, and sovereignty. This Old Irish name also has another, unique version, Deagln. Lugh, the Shining One. Andromeda - Character in Greek mythology and also the name of a galaxy. Her name literally translates as "Red Bloodsucker" and she's said to lure men by seducing them in the night before biting them and sucking away their blood. She lived in the 10th century AD in . Epona - Goddess of horses, donkeys and mules. According to Irish mythology, this name means radiant and bright. Below we have a list of over 200 traditional, unusual and unique Irish . The Fenian cycle embraces more than a few stories about legendary warriors and superheroes. Other notable famous myths and legends from Irish folklore. She is identified with the planet Venus, which is named after the Roman goddess Venus. Grace, which means decency with a special beauty. Means "splendor, beauty.". Maeve appears in Irish mythology in two forms, one as the powerful Queen of Connacht, the other as the queen of the fairies. These Irish girl dog names are every bit the equal of their male counterparts, as they're feminine, beautiful, and just a wee bit mischievous just like your new dog. Boann - Ireland; goddess of the River Byone and mother of Angus Mac Og by the Dagda. Aneria - Means "snow . . Aoife - Irish Mythology, a warrior princess; Artemis - Greek Mythology, goddess of the moon and of the hunt; Athena - Greek Mythology, goddess of wisdom and of war; Audelia - English, means "noble" or "strength" Audrey - English, means "noble" or "strength" Bellatrix - Latin, means "female warrior" Gaynor - Lady of white magic. Irish surname-names are popular for baby girls in the US, including Riley, Kennedy, and Quinn. Timber: Strong wood used for building. Bridie - Derived from Bridget, it means the high one or strength. Alvara (German origin), meaning, 'army of elves' or 'warrior elves', is a wonderful Irish girl name. Aoifa Birog Bodmall Airmed Clethrad Geal Aeval Aine Glaistig Aoibheal Bendith Caer Banshee Cliodna Donagh Eri Uaine Grania Mab Summer Titania Una Carwyn - Pure love. Names like Sean and Quinn are common unisex names. Women in Irish Mythology Macha Aine Queen Maedbh Brigid The Banshee 1. Maeve of Connacht was a . The Banshee. No man could resist Aphrodite when she wore her magic girdle. 3. The Kelpie myth is very common in Scotland but it also exists in Ireland. The Banshee is one of the better-known of the many Irish mythological creatures / Irish monsters, mainly due to the popularity of storytelling in Irish culture. Aphrodite's major symbols include myrtle, roses, doves, sparrows, and swans. Lucky is the most popular name, having received more likes than any other in this list of irish dog names for girl dogs. Sadhbh - The mother of Oisn by Fionn mac Cumhail. Welsh Names for Border Collie Girls. Deidre is the name of a famous Irish legendary character. She fell in love with a peasant, which was frowned upon by her father. Anaisa - Goddess of love, money, and . ANDRASTE: "victory" ANNWN: myth name for the Otherworld. Lugh is said to be the son of Tuatha king and Fomorian giantess. 50 Irish Girls Names: 1. Terpsichore. Niranjana. Morgan Le Fay - Goddess of the sea. Flidais - Goddess of wild animals and cattle. Means "to soothe.". Glennis - clean and holy woman. She has now found happiness in a loving home in Los Angeles, CA. Breeds like Saint Bernard or the Pug perfectly fit in that concept. . It is derived from the Irish word orlach . Maeve - Goddess of battle. ine - goddess of love, summer, wealth and sovereignty Banba, riu and Fdla - patron goddesses of Ireland Bodb Derg - king of the Tuatha D Danann Brigid - daughter of the Dagda; associated with healing, fertility, craft and poetry Clodhna - queen of the Banshees The Dagda - supreme god and king of the Tuatha D Danann The best female druid names are above with meanings, but here are the rest. Darcy - Means dark or descended from the dark haired one. In Irish mythology, Aodh was a god of the underworld and the prince of a supernatural race of fairy folk called the Daoine Sidhe. 36. In addition, your ancestor may have been recorded under a nickname (or childhood pet name e.g. The origin of this creature is told in the Celtic legend about a woman who was known all over Ireland for her beauty. Pronounced ASH-ling, this name means "vision" or "dream" in Gaelicperfect for the Irish pup of your dreams. There are many dog's in the limelight today who have names based on Celtic Mythology which is fitting specifically for their brave and heroic natures. Danu - Goddess of knowledge. Celtic girl names have carried a fantastical lure throughout history, known for Irish heroines, Celtic myths, and even the fairy kingdom. Andromeda - an Ethiopian princess who Perseus rescued from sacrifice. Lucille. Female Pagan Cultural Cat Names. Afe - a rival of Scthach who C Chulainn forces to lie with him at swordpoint and subsequently bears him . Morpheus is an ideal mythical dog name for laidback male dogs that are not active or have low levels of energy. Colleen - Little girl. 0. Angus or Aengus Nixie The name Aine, which means radiance, is the name of an Irish Celtic goddess who represents both wealth and summer. Popular Irish Girl Names Africa - Anglicized form of Aifric Aideen - little fire Aifric - pleasant Aignis - Irish form of Agnes Ailbhe - white or rock Aelinn - handsome or beautiful Aerinn - an exalted or strong woman Aileen - light Ailey - light Ailia - light, of a noble kind, bright one Ailis - God is my oath Aingeal - Irish cognate of Angela Blithn f Irish, Irish Mythology Modern Irish form of Blthne. a name that often signifies a hardwroking, dilligent and an industrious person. Enjoy! Gladys - Lady of the land. A popular garlic form of the word. Niranjana is yet another name of the Hindu goddess Parvati. Origin: Irish. Maureen. The top female names of Irish origin today are very different than they were a century ago. Adrasteia - a nymph who fostered Zeus, king of the gods, as an infant. Alternative Spellings & Variations: Bridget, Brigid, Brigit, Biddy, Bridie, Ffraid (Welsh) Famous Namesakes: Actress Bridget Fonda, model Bridget Moynahan, Saint Brigid of Kildare (a patron saint of Ireland) Peak Popularity: Brighid is an uncommon name in any country. Failinis Freya - was one of the most influential female figures and names in Aesir. She instructs C Chulainn in a number of martial feats and when he catches her with her guard down, is forced to take him as a lover. Blthnat - She was a maiden abducted and forced to marry C Ro. Ellie, Nellie) in one census and by their formal name (e.g. Andarta - Celtic warrior goddess of victory, worshipped in Gaul (now southern France). Brianna is a strong choice among our Irish female names, meaning "noble." Brianna is the feminine form of the name Brian. Let's take the example of Macha, just one of many fascinating and complex Sovereignty figures in early Irish mythology. Aife - The Celtic word for beauty or beautiful. Written by a Siberian Husky lover Caleb Bailey. She is also known as 'Danu' or as 'Don' in Wales. Bibhinn f Irish, Irish Mythology Modern form of Bbinn. Niamh is to be the daughter of the God of the sea. A Celtic version of the Greek god Apollo. The eye became swollen and granted him the power of death. Jul. An Irish Queen Probably the most recognizable figure among women in Irish myths is Queen Medb. Borvo's name means 'to boil' (similar to Goddess Badb), and he was a God of the hot springs. Nike is the goddess of victory, according to Greek mythology. In modern times, Aodh is often anglicized as Aidan or Hugh. The city of Armagh takes its name from Macha. Elln Trechend In Irish mythology, Elln Trechend is a three-headed beast. He is the hero of Elven World Return of the Tuatha . 185. The harp - the story behind our national symbol. Here's a few of my favorite famous Irish women in mythology. The name Niamh has been popular in Ireland for many years and is currently one of the top 100 most popular names for baby girls. Alethea - Greek goddess of truth. Atlanta. The shamrock - St. Patrick's teaching tool. Reportedly the most beautiful woman in Ireland, she died of a broken heart after Conchobhar, the king of Ulster, killed her lover, and forced her to be his bride. AINE: "Happiness." AINGEAL: "angel" ALASTRIONA: "defends mankind." Also Alastrina and Alastrine. Saitada was a Celtic goddess from the Tyne Valley in England whose name may mean "goddess of grief." Sources and Further Reading Monaghan, Patricia. When you want your pup's name to be both inspired by the Emerald Isle and super adorable, choose one of these cute Irish dog names. Nemetona. Scthach - a woman warrior who appears in the Ulster Cycle who was based in modern-day Scotland. Bbinn f Old Irish, Irish Mythology Means "fair woman", from Old Irish b "woman" and finn "fair, white". 49. Dearg-due means "red bloodsucker," and in Irish folklore, it refers to a female demon that seduces men and then sucks and drains them of their blood. Amalthea - Greek nymph who nursed the infant Zeus. She was enchanted to become a doe for refusing the love of Fer Doirich. Morrigan is an awesome gothic Wiccan name Brigid Deirdre - Pronounced Deer-Dreh; She was the most beautiful woman of Irish legend. Macha - Goddess protecting women and children. The following index will prove invaluable if you are struggling to find an ancestor on record. According to the Celtic legend, an Irish woman who was known throughout. The Dullahan is one of the most famous myths and legends in Irish folklore. Relaxation, restful, harmony, calm. The term refers to a sort of headless mythic creature. Pronounced: or-lah. The Celtic heritage is celebrated by people of Europe, Danube, Rhine and Douro Rivers. Little fire. A good fat dog name, ha! The pixie in love - one for all those romantics. Ursa: Scandinavian name meaning "little she-bear". Alessia (Greek origin), meaning, 'defender' and 'warrior', is another beautiful Irish girl name. 1. Bridget . While English is widely spoken across the island nation, the Irish people celebrate their heritage by promoting the use of historic languages, like the Celtic-based Irish language. Henwen - Goddess of fertility. Macha This ancient goddess of Irish mythology appears in many forms and is associated with war, sovereignty and horses. . She is the Irish goddess of death, destiny, and fertility. Maeve, pronounced MAYV, is a beautiful one-syllable girls' name with a unique meaning: "intoxicating." It's the anglicized form of the Irish girl's name Medb, who, according to legend, was the female Celtic warrior queen of Connacht, the country's western province. The different derivatives of the cycle's name also come from Finn's or Fionn's name. Aodh is an Irish name for boys meaning "flame." A popular name in early Ireland, Aodh, pronounced AY, was borne by several kings and legendary figures. Simply click again to get 10 new random names. Also the name of the good witch in The Wizard of Oz. Sloane: Irish name meaning "raid". Nike. Along with Saoirse and Riley, other Irish names for baby girls on the US Top 1000 include Nora, Kennedy, Quinn, Reagan, and Brianna. List of Top Female Irish Dog Names and Their Meanings Lia - weary Una - unity Cadie - pure Cara - friend Kira - throne Nessa - rough Riona - queen Brianna - noble Tully - peaceful Sybil - prophetess Deirdre - sorrowful Ciara - black haired Rosalyn - pretty rose Shanna - old and wise Shannon - old and wise Orla - golden princess Nicnevin. Alantedoba - a goddess in Val Camonica [1] Ancamna - Gallic goddess in the Moselle Valley Ancasta - Brittonic goddess of Clausentum Andarta - Gallic goddess Andrasta - Brittonic goddess of victory Annea Clivana - Gallic goddess of the Cenomani Apadeva - a water goddess [5] Arduinna - Gallic goddess of the Ardennes Forest She is originally noted as the wife of an. Trudi: German name meaning "strong spear". Meaning: Exalted one. the meaning of this name is universal whole. A female spirit from Irish mythology, the Banshee can appear in many forms. One of the favorite Irish female names on Nameberry is the goddess name Maeve, particularly liked by Irish-American parents. Aphrodite is the ancient Greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation. The name means 'sweet, goodness'. Origin: Irish; Meaning: Exalted one; Irish goddess of fire, poetry, and wisdom; Alternative Spellings & Variations: Breda, Brigit, Bridgette, Bridghid, Brigid, Brigitte; Famous Namesakes: French animal rights activist and former actress and singer Brigitte Bardot, Taiwanese actress Brigitte Lin, singer Brigitte Fontaine; Peak Popularity: Bridget has been declining in popularity over . Here are some of the Norse mythology female names: 1. This was a common representation among the Irish goddesses. to find out more! Pronunciation is unique and tricky for Celtic names, but there are common names too like Erin. The Dullahan - the terrifying tale of the headless horseman. RATHNAIT : Old Irish name composed of the word rath "prosperity" and a diminutive suffix, hence "little prosperous one." RGHNACH: Variant spelling of Irish Roghnach, meaning "queen." ROGHNACH: Irish name derived from the Gaelic word roghan, meaning "queen." In mythology, this is the name of the wife of king Niall. Forest nymphs were called Dryads. If your dog has Irish roots, or you own an Irish breed, such as an 'Wolfhound' or 'Terrier', then our list might contain the perfect Irish dog name to match your dog's heritage!. A fairy queen in Irish mythology. Glinda - Pure goodness. Aife (Irish origin), meaning, 'great warrior woman of myth', is a fantastic Irish name for girls. Scholars are still in disagreement as to the etymology of the name since the name 'Danu' does not appear in medieval Irish texts. 2. The female god related to the crossroads, tombs, and underworld meaning far off. Popular Irish girl names: what you need to know about the name Aine From the Old Irish for 'daughter'. Deri - Oak tree, strong. When choosing a baby name from Irish mythology, consider how important to you it is that others are able to easily pronounce it. Aine - A Celtic word for "radiance" who was also the Fairy Queen. Ellen, Helen, Eleanor) in another. 4. Apr. Emmy. Our stats show that they are more fashionable than they were six months ago. It's great way to pay homage to the rich culture, history, and beauty of Ireland. Olwen - Goddess of the sun. It has several variations, including Bryanna, Breanna, and Brianne, but Brianna is by far the most typical. Ulka: German name meaning "power of the wolf". tan - In Irish mythology, she was a sun and horse goddess who was the lover of Midi. Deirdre. Brianna has been a long-standing favorite in the United States, ranked as the 146th most popular name for girls in 2020. Aisling. Bean-Nighe - (ben-neeya) Similiar to that of the Banshee. This name was borne by several characters in Irish mythology, including the mother of the hero Frech. Bevin - Fair Lady; originally used to describe Norse women. Alexandra - a Mycenaean epithet of the Queen goddess, Hera. According to the Irish traditions, there were two main names of the Druid women: baduri and the banfilid, meaning female poets. Consider one of these 55 Irish-inspired names for your new four-legged best friend. A goddess whose name means "she of the sacred grove". Borvo - (Breton) God of healing. It means the night of the full moon. May. Aughisky - (Agh-iski) They are the Irish version of the Each-Uisge. Jun. Asrai - are small and delicate female faeries who melt away into a pool of water when captured or exposed to sunlight. Tempest: French name meaning "stormy". Female Irish Names [ Suggest Names for this page ] [ Go to Male Irish Names ] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] ABBEY : Pet form of Irish Abigail , meaning "little smith." Compare with another form of Abbey. Clodagh - (pronounced CLO-dah) - Irish river name Deirdre - sorrowful Eileen - bright, shining one Maeve - (pronounced mayv) - she who intoxicates Roisin - (pronounced ro-sheen) - little rose Shannon - old and wise Tierney - descendent of a lord Saoirse - (pronounced ser-sha) - liberty Cara - friend Aisling - (pronounced ash-ling) - dream or vision Maeve. Aglaia - one of the three Graces (charities). Remove the fada from the A and you have the popular Anglicized form Declan. Goddess of dance and dramatics, meaning to charm in dance. Many scholars believe that the Irish language made its way to the mainland over 2,500 years ago, and while its popularity has ebbed and flowed, the historic tongue . Typically, her attributes include tribal/territorial goddess (she is associated with Armagh, Ard Mhacha, in Ulster) and fertility goddess - but she is also a battle goddess. Reba. Image Credit: Reddogs, Shutterstock. Bree - Higher power. This name was borne by several characters in Irish mythology, including the mother of the hero Frech. ARDRA: "noble" ARIENH: "oath" ARTHURETTA: feminine form of Celtic Arthur, meaning "bear" or "rock." Also Arthurina, Arthurine, Artice, Artina, Artis, and Artrice. The name is believed to mean 'jealousy'. Iris, in Greek mythology, is the personification of the . Female Irish Setter Names. Larisa. . 11- Dearg Due Another vampire myth in Celtic culture, the Dearg Due is a female demon. Bibhinn f Irish, Irish Mythology Modern form of Bbinn. Enbarr According to ancient Irish myth, Enbarr was a mythological horse who could take to both land and water. There is Fiona the Poodle, a blind rescue pup who was once abandoned because of her blindness. Aoife - Gaelic word for beautiful. A nymph was the general name for a number of nature spirits in Greek Mythology. Prince of the Tuatha d Dannan, in ancient Irish mythology and legend, leader of the Warriors of Right, master of magic and all the arts. Eithne: The name, pronounced as "Ah-He-Ne", is an ancient Irish name for the mother of the god Lugh in Irish mythology. She is sometimes represented by a red mare. Think about contemporary names and nicknames drawn from these names. 183. Donagh Bairr Daimhn Dorchaidhe Ruaidri hEachthairn Aona Mac Labhrainn Nechtan Creachin Cadhla Maol Chonaire Stofn hsin Conmhac Meidhir Casey Meallin Donncuan Madin Your art here? Aoife (ee-fa) This name means beautiful, radiant or joyful, and likely derives from the Gaelic word 'aoibh' meaning 'beauty' or 'pleasure.' In Irish mythology, Aoife is. The most important story of this cycle is the tale of Fionn mac Cumhall or Finn MacCool. Bbinn f Old Irish, Irish Mythology Means "fair woman", from Old Irish b "woman" and finn "fair, white". Bile m Irish Mythology Emlyn - Means industrious, a good name for a hard working border collie. Aug. As of September 2022, irish dog names seem increasingly popular with new puppy owners. 184. The beautiful country of Ireland has produced some of the world's most beautiful human names, many of which are perfect dog names!. The person who is dearly to everyone. Tilly: German name meaning "mighty in battle". He is an accomplished carpenter, smith, warrior, harpist and poet. 0. Paganism is often associated with certain cultures like the Celts, Romans, and Greeks, and there are many names appropriate for a female cat. The earthy Celtic female name Avalon is said to have derived from the Welsh word "afal," meaning "apple," and is linked to the "Island of the Apple Trees," which features in Celtic mythology. Celtic names are used as unisex too, both for boys and girls. Decln. The heir of Pelasgus, meaning the smile. A rival of Scthach who C Chulainn forces to lie with him at swordpoint and bears., rfhlaith, rla, Orlagh common in Scotland but it also exists in Ireland faeries who away., your ancestor may have been recorded under a nickname ( or childhood pet name e.g others! Who irish mythology names female the lonely streams of Scotland and Ireland in poems by,! Greatest goddesses and was the most influential female figures and names in Aesir name... 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