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Clopyralid is in the picolinic acid family of herbicides, which also includes aminopyralid, picloram, triclopyr . Clopyralid 300 Herbicide Label; 324Kb; F.S.A . in non-cropland areas, forest sites, industrial manufacturing and storage sites, rights-of-way, and wildlife openings including grazed areas on these sites, tree plantations, and rangeland and permanent grass pastures. 2. It is especially effective on capeweed and volunteer legumes. Comparable Product : Stinger. Active ingredient: Group 4 (clopyralid + MCPA ester) Rainfast: 4 hours Treatment rate: One case treats 20-27 acres, one drum treats 140-187 acres (contact local retailer to special order drums) Application: Low rate of 0.6 L/acre controls small weeds and lighter infestations.High rate of 0.8 L/acre controls larger weeds and heavier infestations. Plant cell growth disruption. Dow Shield 400 is a post-emergence herbicide which provides control of a range of perennial and annual broad-leaved weeds in oilseed rape, sugar beet and a wide range of other crops. WSSA mode of action 4 Action like indole acetic acid (synthetic auxins) Registration EPA: 81927-14. For control of broadleaf weeds and woody brush in non-cropland areas, forest sites, industrial manufacturing and storage sites, rights-of-way, and wildlife openings including grazed areas on these sites, tree plantations, and rangelands. My Cart My Account / Order Status. Clopyralid 750 WG Herbicide. No grazing or haying restrictions following . Clopyralid (3,6-dichloro-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid) is a selective herbicide used for control of broadleaf weeds, especially thistles and clovers.For control of Creeping Thistle, Cirsium arvense, a noxious, perennial weed, clopyralid is one of the few effective herbicides available. Pack Size : Application Method : Product DOCUMENTATION. 3 Specimen Label Revised 04-19-04 General Information Curtail* herbicide is recommended for selective, postemergence control of broadleaf weeds in wheat and barley not underseeded with a legume, (If you do not understand the label, find someone to explain it to you in detail). F.S.A. It is a broadleaf weed and woody plant herbicide used to clear pasture lands, rangelands, utility sites, and other non-residential areas. GUARANTEE: clopyralid: 360 g/L (present as the monoethanolamine salt) REGISTRATION NO. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN . Looking to control weeds in winter cereals? Establishment Number and Net Contents are also on the label. Do not exceed a total cumulative Product Name: Alligare Clopyralid 3 EPA Registration Number: 81927-14 Application Date: 08/04/2015 Decision Number: 508176 Dear Mr. Kellogg: The Agency is in receipt of your Application for Pesticide Notification under Pesticide Registration Notice (PRN) 98-10 for the above referenced product. Specific Gravity: ~ 1.2 @ 20C Vapour Pressure: 1.33 mPa at 24C for clopyralid acid. SONORA Herbicide provides outstanding selectivity in pastures, rangeland, roadsides/rights-of-way and in many hardwood and conifer sites. 3) Add any required water conditioners. . 3) Generate one-year storage stability (830.6317) and corrosion characteristics (830.6320) data on the product. With a flexible dose rate and ideal for a programmed approach, Dow Shield 400 controls many broadleaved weeds including mayweeds, thistles and volunteer . Clopyralid (3,6-Dichloro-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid), Monoethanolamine salt 57754-85-5 40.9% Isopropanol Isopropyl alcohol 67-63- unknown 4. No. SG. 3. 5) Add the required amount of grassy weed tank-mix partner. Clover recovery will be The observations should be made at 0,3,6,9, and 12 month intervals. Acid Equivalent: clopyralid: 3,6-dichloro-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid - 31% (3 lb/gal) EPA Reg. Triple or preferably pressure rinse empty containers before disposal. Tel: (850) 733-7777 . Herbicide used mainly in canola and cereal crops. Use Transline specialty herbicide for postemergence control of broadleaf weeds and woody brush species in sites listed on this label such as range, forests, non-crop, and natural areas. : 89168-71-89391 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUTION / PRECAUCIN Si usted no entiende la etiqueta, busque a alguien para que se la explique a usted en detaile. FIRST AID MEASURES Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. The Registration Division (RD) has conducted a Label Panel Genfarm Clopyralid 600 Herbicide 69466/60864 130903 Page 3 of 16 If applying by hand, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing), elbow-length chemical resistant gloves and a disposable dust face mask covering mouth and nose. Clopyralid 100 g/l. Flash Point: Not applicable. Product Label. Tip container until liquid fills measuring chamber. READ THE LABEL AND BOOKLET BEFORE USING . Use on these sites may include application to It is an effective product in which results can be seen within a couple of days after . Clopyralid: 3,6-dichloro-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid*** 5.60% OTHER INGREDIENTS: . Confront is in the "Pyridine" chemical category and works differently than the "Phenoxy"(2,4-D) herbicides. View the product label for Clopyralid 3 from Alligare, LLC. Herbicide. Solubility in Water: Soluble in water. 10L 110L 20L. Transline Specialty Herbicide Clopyralid - 2.5 Gallon controls broadleaf weeds and woody legumes with excellent selectivity, allowing for use over the top of many conifers and hardwood species. Active Ingredient : Clopyralid 40.9%. Details. The higher rate of TITAN Clopyralid 300 Herbicide plus MCPA mixture will reduce the clover component of the pasture for about 2 months. Herbicide group I . Overview: For the control of a wide range of broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley, oats, triticale, canola and fallow land. Clopyralid 3 or Sonora may be applied in non-cropland, industrial manufacturing, forest, and storage sites . Long-term, low-dose (chronic) exposure to the skin or eyes may be more toxic than short . The herbicides (weedkillers) involved in nearly every case of herbicide contamination of commercial manure, compost and soil, as well as the contamination of grass clippings and hay on farms, are aminocyclopyrachlor, aminopyralid, clopyralid, picloram, fluroxypyr and triclopyr, which belong to a class of herbicides known as synthetic auxin . 3 Specimen Label Revised 06-20-08 General Information The use of this herbicide in the spring when warm season turfgrass is Confront specialty herbicide is a broad-spectrum weed killer for control of broadleaf weeds in established cool season and warm season turfgrass, including, but not limited to, turfgrass in sod farms with noted exceptions. 2) Continue agitation throughout the mixing and spraying procedure. Stinger herbicide is a selective postemergence herbicide for control of broadleaf weeds in apple, barley, oats and wheat not underseeded with a legume, canola (rapeseed), Christmas tree plantations, conservation reserve program (CRP) acres, cottonwood/poplar and eucalyptus tree plantations, crambe, fallow cropland, field corn, garden beet, grasses grown for seed, Brassica, peppermint . Clopyralid 3 may be applied in non-cropland, industrial manufacturing, forest, and storage sites, rights-of-way, and wildlife openings including grazed areas on these sites . Clover recovery will be F.S.A. (Also known as: clopyralid-olamine; Dowco 290; clopyralid acid; 3,6-dichloropicolinic acid; DCP) A post-emergence herbicide for control of broad-leaved weeds. SONORA Herbicide from Alligare will control tough broadleaf weeds and select brush species including mesquite, biennial & perennial thistles, knapweeds, kudzu and locust. Clopyralid is known as a active ingredient in herbicides that kill selective weeds like clover, thistles, and other hard to kill weeds. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN . Boiling Point: ~ 100C at 100 kPa. 2 kg and 8 kg. Active Ingredient: 750 g/kg clopyralid. Clopyralid 3 Herbicide - 1 Gallon Seed Ranch. Innova Clopyralid 300 Herbicide 5 June 2007 Approved Label Text Page 2 of 9 STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well ventilated area. Active Ingredients: Aminopyralid 8.95% + Rinskor 0.76% Herbicide Mode of Action: 4 + 4. Supporting Material: Label (240 KB) SDS (104 KB) Alligare Clopyralid 3 SL: November 29, 2020 (PDF) 81927-69: Alligare Clopyralid 3 SL: October 09, 2018 (PDF) 1 - 2: No forms found. 750 g/kg clopyralid (present as potassium salt) Mode of Action. CLOPYRALID 300. Prescott Herbicide is a broad-spectrum post-emergence herbicide for control of broadleaf weeds in rangeland and permanent grass pastures, non-crop areas such as fence rows, non-irrigation ditch banks, roadsides and around farm buildings, and CRP acres. Lontrel Advanced is a soft to the crop, low resistance risk option for the control of many key broadleaf weeds in winter cereals, canola, pastures and fallows. Confront Weeds Controlled. NET CONTENTS: 3.4 L - bulk . Active Ingredient: Triclopyr; Clopyralid; Trade Name. 62719-305 Container Use Directions 1. Active Ingredient. . 2 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) Alligare's Clopyralid 3 contains Clopyralid 40.9%. Clopyralid. Active Ingredient Percent Active; Clopyralid: 40.9: 1 - 1: Name Status; ALLIGARE SONORA HERBICIDE: Alternate: 1 - 1: There's no Inactive Brand Name . Alligare Sonora Herbicide Generic Lontrel, Transline - Qt - Gal is formerly Alligare Clopyralid 3 Herbicide controls broadleaf weeds and woody brush. It has a high aqueous solubility, is volatile and, based on its chemical properties, there is a high risk of it leaching to groundwater. See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more at Agworld DBX, powered by Greenbook. Label/SDS. Clopyralid. The lower rate is no more damaging than label rates of 2,4-D or MCPA. Please visit Paradigm Arylex active herbicide page. Sonora Herbicide (formerly named Clopyralid 3) is manufactured by Alligare and contains the active ingredient Clopyralid. PACK SIZES. Nufarm Clopyralid Herbicide is a liquid concentrate intended for dilution with water and for use on canola, sugar beets, rutabagas, summerfallow, flax (including low linolenic acid varieties), wheat (spring), barley (spring), oats, strawberry, seedling and established grasses grown for forage and seed production, non- crop farmland . . the air is >3.0 mg/L. clopyralid: 3,6-dichloro-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid - 3.9% - 0.38 lb/gal . The lower rate is no more damaging than label rates of 2,4-D or MCPA. Clopyralid mimics a plant . Double Herbicide For Hard To Control Weeds. The label will state how hay, manure, and compost from sprayed areas may and may not be used. It has a high persistence and stays in compost or dead plants, even up to 14 months. Clopyralid 3 also provides outstanding selectivity in pastures, rangeland, roadsides/rights-of-way and in many hardwood and conifer sites. Before using any herbicide read the label. Acid Equivalent: clopyralid: 3,6-dichloro-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid - 31% - 3 lb/gal EPA Reg. CLOPYRALID 3 herbicide is recommended for postemergence control of broadleaf weeds and select woody brush species in non-cropland areas including equipment pathways, industrial manufacturing and storage sites, forest sites, and rights-of-way (such as along roadsides, electrical lines and railroads). 143 724 136 Suite G.08 | 762 Toorak Road, Hawthorn East VIC 3123 Australia . CLOPYRALID GROUP 4 HERBICIDE. . For control of a wide range of broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley, oats, triticale, canola, pastures, fallow land, forests and industrial situations as specified in the Directions for Use. No adjustment is needed. 300 g/litre clopyralid as the amine salt in the form of a soluble concentrate. Share your knowledge of this product. DuraCor Herbicide featuring the rst new active ingredient for pastures and rangeland in nearly 15 years brings livestock producers and land managers the broadest-spectrum broadleaf weed control available for their grazing acres. Spray between September and April on actively growing plants for effective control. A selective herbicide used to control clovers, yarrow, plantains, californian and other thistles in a range of crops, turf, forestry and pre-cultivation. Replace cap and securely tighten. GROUP 4 HERBICIDE . CLOPYRALID 3. Herbicide. Herbicides. ACTIVE INGREDIENT: clopyralid: 600g a.e./L This is very useful for Legume and Capeweed control in Canola and other crops, it's a very good tank mixer. Return container to level position. Pests of a wetting agent at label rates is recommended for treatment of hardhead thistle. Commercial vegetables and fruits: Clopyr AG (clopyralid), Stinger (clopyralid) All products listed are manufactured by Dow Agrosciences, LLC with the exceptions of the Millennium products by Nufarm Americas Inc. and Clopyr AG by United Phosphorus, Inc. Herbicide product names and formulations change; always check labels for active ingredients. APVMA Code: 67807/56901. The higher rate of the FMC Clopyralid 300 plus MCPA mixture will reduce the clover component of the pasture for about two months. Lontrel Advanced Label. Group. Broadleaf weed and woody brush control in non-cropland areas, forest sites and other industrial areas, range and pastureland. . Clopyralid belongs to the pyridine family of chemicals. 1 Litre. Active Ingredients: Clopyralid 40.9% Remove the measuring chamber cap and induction seal. Wash hands after use The combination of triclopyr and clopyralid works well on hard to kill weeds such as Oxalis and Wild Violet. Product Name: FMC Clopyralid 300 Herbicide Page 3 of Total 5 Issued: January 2013 FMC/CLO300/1 SECTION 9 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance: Clear to dark greenish coloured liquid. Boulder 6.3. 5 Litres. Lontrel Advanced Managing Residues Technotes. For control of perennial and annual broadleaved weeds in field crops, Christmas tree plantations, pasture, rangeland, vegetable and fruit crops, and noncropland.- COMMERCIAL (AGRICULTURAL) READ THE LABEL AND BOOKLET BEFORE USING . EPA Registration . Lontrel Advanced SDS. Genfarm Clopyralid 600 Herbicide. Use of this product in Oregon is limited to the sites stated on this label which are agricultural, forest and right-of-way. Active Ingredients: Triclopyr 33.0%, Clopyralid 7.9% Herbicide Mode of Action: Group 4, 4 Packaging. Reclaim Specialty Herbicide. Clover Damage: TITAN Clopyralid 300 Herbicide plus MCPA mixture can be very damaging to subterranean clover. DANGER - EYE IRRITANT HARMFUL IF ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN . Clopyralid does not cause birth defects in . Ornamental, Quali-Pro 2-D, TruSlate Pro, Surestart, Surestart II, Agristar Commando, Stinger, Agristar Spur, Alligare Clopyralid 3, Alligare Cody, Alligare Prescott, Brazen, Clean Slate, Curtail, Definite . LABEL - LANCER 100 SL MSDS - LANCER 100 . Clopyralid 7b.2 Weed Control Methods Handbook, The Nature Conservancy, Tu et al. acid equivalent of clopyralid) per acre per growing season. Kindly refer to attached label for more information on application rates and methods . Savings & Featured Shops. GROUP I HERBICIDE Clopyralid 300 HERBICIDE APPARENT PTY LTD A.C.N. doses that are three to four times higher than label application rates. Sonora Herbicide (formerly named Clopyralid 3), manufactured by Alligare, a effective post-emergent herbicide that controls difficult broadleaf weeds and brush to clear pasture lands, rangelands, utility sites, and other non-residential areas. L9423 ACT 36/1947/ HERBICIDE GROUP CODE O LANCER 100 SL is a systemic water-soluble liquid herbicide for the suppression of Acacia sp. Formulations. Lontrel 750 SG Label; Lontrel 750 SG SDS; Jump to: Technical Specifications. in . Thorough coverage is essential. 32336 PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS ACT . Alligare's NEW Clopyralid 3. Product and Safety Information. Alligare's Clopyralid 3 or Sonora contains Clopyralid 40.9%. CLOVER DAMAGE: The FMC Clopyralid 300 plus MCPA mixture can be very damaging to subterranean clover. Brash . Deals Shop All Deals Up to 20% off Gaming Up to 30% off Bathroom and Kitchen Up to 40% Off Floor Care Flash Picks Rollbacks Clearance Tech Patio & Garden Home Sports & Outdoors Furniture National Pet Month Toys Apparel Auto Phones & Smart Watches Stock Up Essentials Video Games & Media Kitchen & Dining Baby Home Improvement Wellness & Personal Care Beauty & Grooming . Clopyralid 3 Herbicide is used for the control of broadleaf weeds such as acacias, artichoke, buckwheat, buffalobur, chamomile, clover, cocklebur, coffeeweed . You may also contact 1-800-424- . Clopyralid is an herbicide used for selective control of noxious and nuisance weed. For the control of a wide range of Broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley, triticale, oats, pastures, canola, fallow land, forests and industrial situations as specified in the directions for use table. MAY CAUSE SKIN IRRITATION. No. Got Questions? Quick overview Transline Clopyralid Specialty Herbicide controls broadleaf weeds and woody brush species in non-crop areas, forest sites, industrial manufacturing and storage sites, rights-of-way, and wildlife openings, including grazed areas on these sites, tree plantations, and rangeland and permanent grass pastures. Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment . Mixing Instructions. Clopyralid 300 Herbicide; Product description. I. Code: CLOP300. Lontrel Turf and Ornamental Herbicide. Clopyralid 40.9% ; Clopyralid 3 Herbicide is for use in non-crop areas, forestry sites, industrial manufacturing sites, storage sites, rights-of-way, wildlife openings, grazed areas on listed sites, tree plantations, range lands, and grass pastures. It is an effective product in which results can be seen within a couple of days after applying. WELD Herbicide ANNUAL AND PERENNIAL BROADLEAF POSTEMERGENCE CONTROL . Technical information. Nufarm Agriculture Inc. Suite 350 . Clopyralid: 3,6-dichloro-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid, . Clopyralid 3.00 Value Pick. In New York State, the maximum application rate for HI-YIELD RANGE AND PASTURE CLOPYRALID 3 is / pint (0.25 lb. present as potassium salt Group: Commercial use Domestic use. . This post-emergent herbicide controls broadleaf weeds such as clover, dandelion, ragweed, and woody/brush such as Eastern redbud and kudzu (see label for a complete list). Crop Protection. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. Clopyralid. The results must be submitted to the Agency in electronic and hard copy format within 15 months of hormones.1 Because clopyralid is more persistent in plant tissue than auxins,13 the binding causes abnormal growth lead-ing to plant death in a few days or weeks, depending on the species.1 Clopyralid is similar in structure and mode of action to the herbicide picloram.13 Acute Toxicity In laboratory rats, symptoms of triethylamine salt of . The latest label is at the top of the list. 4) Add any tank-mix partners that are a dry formulation. Clopyralid 3 controls tough broadleaf weeds and select brush species including mesquite, biennial & perennial thistles, knapweeds, kudzu, and locust. Genfarm Clopyralid 600 Herbicide. 1) Fill the spray tank with to of the required amount of water. Add rinsings to spray tank. Boomer Herbicide. Herbicide Details: Chemical Formula: 3,6-dichloro-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid Trade Names: Clopyralid is sold as an acid, ester, or salt under the trade names Transline, Stinger, Reclaim, and Curtail.Formulations labelled for non-cropland use include This post-emergent herbicide controls broadleaf weeds such as clover, dandelion, ragweed, and woody/brush such as Eastern redbud and kudzu (see label for a complete list). DO NOT
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