They are stacked up quite messily. My king single bed is positioned against the wall with the big square window and next to that is a white bedside table filled with junk that hasnt been used in years! I have this there because well I play games alot. Spot on Dylan, explained your bedroom very well. The bedside table is filled with tangled plugs, wires and even a pringles can. My bed is normally scorching hot from the electric blanket. On the top end there is two pillows and a bundle of pijamas. Skateboards are propped up against the plain back wall next to my bed. He is a untidy Australian Barraband and he is loud with a weird sense of humor some how. But if I could change one thing it would be to have it all to myself, that way I would be able to sleep in on the weekends. Sheep are dotted around a field of copious green, munching greedily away. But i have to admit I have a wonderful cleaner to clean my room but the way I left it was the day before the cleaner comes round. I liked how your story told a true picture of how your room is. Well structured paragraphs and a few funny jokes too. It's very clean and healthy room,well it wouldnt be clean without my mother, of course, sometimes you just need her to boss you around. But it could be neater and all the belongings could be organised. Bunkhouse Western Fabric, My animal sketches hanging on my wall and blowing in a winter breeze were only done in black and white. Their should be a comma after hallway in the first sentence, and I am also confused on why in your last paragraph you started off with firstly. I think that it is still also good to keep using basic words. A nice piece of writing William. This was very well edited so there is not to much to say you have done a very good job with very little mistakes. Petas Bedroom (As you can probably tell I absolutely love call of duty). My layout has nowhere to move, but I love it the way it is. So my bed is messy, but in general my room isnt all that messy. Tattoo Aftercare Saniderm, the shape is unique and it has stuff I love such as lego, minecraft figures, books, pukekos and lot of other stuff like that. Most of my accessories are very modern as same are made out of glass or clay. Her eyes were diamonds. There is a mirror hanging on my off white walls above a small table. With boxes on top and a big space where it looks with one box is missing. But one particular sport the theme is based on is Basketball. Then to the right of my wardrobe is my tv cabinet which is a light brown wooden cabinet and it holds the usual tv, PS4 and XBOX 360 When you walk in my room you will see a white door and when you walk in the main area all the walls are white with dark furniture. Excellent punctuation and spelling. Its there to hold previous achievements and precious keepsakes but I really just use it to hold some certificates that cant find in my bookshelf. I wouldn't change anything about it even if I had the choice. In my bedroom I have a big abstract photo of mountains hanging above my head. My carpet is a kinda light blue with dark blue lines through it and I also have my rug which has a black background and white zig zag lines on it. When you say your home is a swamp, you usually mean that its messy, dark, and maybe even a little smelly. On the left hand side under the window, with its red quilt and white duvet is the biggest piece of furniture in my room. The bit that gets me, is how can one person be so messy?! Annies Bedroom Write a detailed description of your bedroom as you left it this morning. Both beds are king single, with 3-4 pillows and very comfy sheets. So overall your writing is amazing. I have fairy lights that are pink and gold, my desk is blue while my chair is a lime green. Flick Of The Wrist Meaning, Your email address will not be published. Separating my sister and I is a large divider, that holds all of my adored books and other well-used items. 3 of my walls are a plain white but the fourth one has wallpaper on it, the wall paper has a cream coloured background and has light pink coloured pineapples. The furniture in my room fits nicely with my double bed in the corner by my door, my bedside table beside that, my desk in the corner beside the windows and my chair beside my wardrobe. Good work. Below the small window on the left is a nice, lush white desk with a lot of my belongings lying on top. Describes it well. My room has two windows, one facing south, the other west. A medium size room down the end of a long hallway. Although this also gets used by my sister who also Bridget did omit to describe how tidy she and her sisters fail to keep the room which adds to the overall impression that the space is more crowded than it actually is. My room has lots of storage places to put clothes and stuff in and a big window to look out. The grey carpet is soft and oddly soothing underfoot. I have a black bed side table that is woodin and I have a plastic clock, then I have a grey alarm clock that I really dislike because it wakes me up and I don't like getting up. The scary closet. Examples of Popular Metaphors All the worlds a stage, and all the men and women merely players. William Shakespeare I am the good shepherdand I lay down my life for the sheep. The Bible, John 10:14-15 All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast of the mind.Khalil Gibran your bedroom is like the inside of your head (simile). The sun shines in my room which makes my room warm up. My bedroom is a hyperbolic chamber. All I can see is clothes all over my floor dirty plates on my bed side table. Although in the second paragraph you could have stated what you were talking about a bit better. What I would really like though is some more storage because there is not a lot of space to put my belongings. Then where you enter my bedroom behind the door there is my Hockey gear, Swimming bag and my School bag. I like all of my bits and bobs in my room because that is what makes it mine. DVD, TV) and add comas in some places. there was only just a few full stops being misplaced but overall it was really great. Just make sure all grammar and spelling is correct. 4-. I like my bedroom just the way it is. Also I have bad eyesight so It Is really hard to see my tv from my bed. Under my bed is my large curved desk that has been bolted to the ladder, and then my tiny wardrobe which I can barely fit all my clothes into. For the decorations there is a row of vintage paper dresses hanging above my bed, a picture of Paris- (somewhere I would like to go), A big round mirror, just high enough for me to use, and an inspirational sayings that inspire me each day. My room is square shaped with a big floor to ceiling window (which is awesome because I can see the mountain I love to ski on so much) on the back wall with draping curtains. 9 years ago. I have a modern wooden desk for school work. Well done you should be happy with what you have wrote. The bedframe has a big headboard and a smaller board at my feet. There is a big black shoebox beside my bed which fits all my shoes in it. The couch in the corner is also like a trunk that holds most my stuff. Nicely described George, your room is currently a blank canvas so you can do a lot with it. Now another thing about my room is that it is never clean well unless mum cleans it but there's always something on the ground like a lunch box or cloths mostly cloths. I have two paintings in my room, one of a cat with glasses on and one of two dogs in a mug (these still need to be put up). On the rubric I would give you a R4. You could improve on adding more ideas and making them a bit more interesting. MY BEDROOM! Now I am going to move on to my furniture. In my room we have really ugly wall paper, it is green and white, but ugly green. the spelling was great and I really enjoyed reading the of writing you worked on. Under my bed I throw just about everything down there like sport gear and clothes I can't be bothered putting away. Finally, the coldness, if its snowing that cup of water is frozen almost solid, I had to use three blankets those mourning, it gets really chilly. For example, the metaphor of an industrial factory is often used by biologists to communicate the complex process of a cell. The second style of my room is boys simply because its a boys only room for me and Jackson to share. Very descriptive and easy to imagine your bedroom and feel how special it is to you. The bed is the main part of any bedroom because that's where everyone spends the most time. But you a lot of descriptive words. One area that you could work on is maybe not repeating things and making sure that what you say makes sense. You've likely heard many primary metaphors throughout the course of your life and studies. Again, were applying the feelings of being at home (relaxation and comfort) to some other situation and achieving this by making a comparative metaphor. I am glad you love your bedroom! If I could change anything about my bedroom I would start with a new duvet because of the bright mixed colours. Well done. In my personal opinion I do love the way my bedroom looks and how it has a theme and a great view! You described your room well George. Well my room is very messy I hate tidying my room I alway have clothes all over the floor. I have a black carpet with a white lines diagonally going through it. All of my decorations are placed to make my room look even better. For me and my sisters to fit in our room the room has to be laid out a specific way, but it is pretty comfy. I have to balance on my chair and Sams shelf to reach my dictionary! Curtains and carpet are the same grey colour, but the carpet is so soft you could sleep on it. My king single is the comfiest thing I have experienced with the reasonably old springy mattress that's kind of like a sink hole when you lie in it. The tabletop itself is dusty with dried gum and I think even an empty skittles packet. You need to work on capital letters (eg. It all fits nicely in my room and nothing looks too squished. My favorite place in the whole house, my space, my pride and joy, my happy place where I spend most of my time. When you walk in you will see my bed, cupboard, desk, drawers and my bed side table. I have a small sized mat black H stuck to my wall with a pattern of turquoise and white dots and black and white dot bunting underneath. This is such a clear description of your room Mabelle! Three quarters of my room is engulfed in clothes and mess. Next time read through it and really think about what word could fit in there that will work even better. Good work a nice peace of writing. My blinds are a creamy, white colour that go all the way to the floor. Finally I have color so most of my room is a cream color because my walls and roof it that color. Because if you dont and try wade through all the clothes spread out and risk breaking your leg or ankle on toy cars or getting bits of lego stuck between your toes. Bed, Desk Drawers and bean bag are most of the furniture in the room, the double bed's too big for the room the there is the desk the desk is big wooden and has my docking station and all of my accessories on it, then there is the beanbag the bean bag is lodged in between he bed and the desk it doesn't get used much i only really put my school bag on it but i still think that it's a cool thing to have in the room. At the back of my room there is a large window exposing the magnificent mountains covered in a blanket of snow, my other window gives a happy view of a fence which we share with our neighbour. The touch, it's soft, smooth and warm at night. The theme begins with a deep sea green feature wall on the right hand wall. My favourite part of my room sitting next to the window is my single bed. And I would try and keep it a bit more tidy! My room has an area where I keep drawing and pictures, an area for me to keep my collections. The brown carpet matches the old wooden skirting. Posters are another thing people have in their room, in my room I have one poster of a 3D of a coral reef. Remington 7600 Thumbhole Stock, How my room feels. My bedroom, is a wonderful room to hangout in. The room has a big space to go around in and has the hobbies I like.but best of all is to spend time with yourself and always relax after a long day. A stout red beanbag accommodates a spot near the middle of the room. Sometimes you cant hear anything because Im sleeping or the sound on my ipod is turned off. WILL HS BEDROOM Great writing. squishy, soft, lumps and bumps. It is filled with many happy memories, prayers, fights with myself and resolutions. It has two doors, one window that opens slightly and two loud heaters that break the cold silence in the night. My bedroom layout includes two sets of windows, both made with with grey aluminium and double glazed glass. You used capital letters in the right places and a few different types of punctuation. Your spelling was mostly correct there were just a few words like duvet. But one thing that you could work on with your punctuation is how much you used. great work i love that you did good punctuation and it was a good story. Pretty good if only you could see how i see your bedroom. When I walk into my room I feel alone and relaxed. My half of the bedroom is on the east side of the house, meaning that Im directly in front of one of our three gardens. I work my way through the chaos and reach my bed. One of my most treasured items in my bedroom is a large canvas painting of a multi coloured elephant that sits above my pink beanbag. Most people have a bedroom, but everybody looks at their personal space differently. Let me tell you about my favourite place to be AKA my bed. Maybe next time try to write more in some paragraphs, and tell us about more things. It smells like fresh vanilla because of the bowl of dried petals and shells that have been smothered with air freshener. I am happy that I have a couch in my room it helps my back I dont know how but it does, sometimes it's easy to fall asleep on it after a long day of work. Often, home is the place where we feel safest. The floor is usually covered in clothes and rubbish. It is a square shape and it is warm. Feel my carpet is soft and my walls feel kinda nice. I am confused about what self fun is though. Even though my room hasnt got much in it, my room is the tidiest bedroom there. There's flower patterns everywhere and unique designs on my furniture. The mirror is directly in line with my bed so it was scary when I had just watched a horror movie about the urban legend Bloody Mary and had to go to sleep. Down one side of it there are five drawers also filled with special items and on the bottom there is another drawer which is filled with gemstones. Although there are many flaws in my room, Im still tolerating them. Just like a zoo, her home has a lot of little creatures (okay, humans) running around doing their own thing. When you walk into my bedroom you will see three different colours starting at the entrance and going all the way through the room. On the left behind the wall, you can see a lot of lego and a few book and also a bean bag. As Ive already said I have a painting of Clifton Beach hanging above my bed, it is landscape and the colours combinations are awesome. Cris Borgnine Wikipedia, In my room there are lots of clothes and stuff on the floor my room is very messy, and it is hard to get around without stepping on something if I want to do something in it I have to clean it, also on hot days it can be very hot and sometimes it can be really cold when it is rainy and windy. merger arbitrage analyst; the secrets of the It's the one spot in the house where it's completely designed by me. The color of my wardrobe connected to my wall is black I would probably want to change the color to the same as the wall. The delicate carpet instantly warms up my feet. Well writen Eddie I couldnt find any mistakes the only thing that I really noticed was the paragraphs are a bit short. Due to the architectural design of my house, my rooms windows receive little to no sun, excluding the few hours of late afternoon to sundown. 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