past the Possil Loch Bird Sanctuary, until I got beyond the Pike's Hole section and then I would decide where I was making for. We have access to seven miles of the private Forbes Estate water probably the most beautiful and productive trout water in Scotland. In the wilder, northern Highlands, where there is less insect life, the trout tend to be smaller but more aggressive. This fish was landed in Lough Conn in 1920, and weighed in at 53lbs, but as criteria for official recognition was not then available, it has been supplanted by one of a mere 41lbs caught in Lough Ross, near the south Armagh/Monaghan border in 2002. It was to last two hours, with at times, the anglers pulling after the fish, sometimes coming to within a few feet of the monster. In time, Michael Gordon moved out of the district, but the pike head remained in the outhouse until shortly after the death of Geordie Bell in 1955. These are given in chronological order. Alternatively, for an instant estimate of your holiday price Click Here, //

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